Alaya Summer Camps!

The Alaya Summer Day Camp offers a rich, inviting and relaxed summer program to meet the needs of a variety of family situations. Our small groups and low adult-child ratios allow for individual attention and a comfortable environment of warmth and friendship.


Each group is designed to provide an age-appropriate program of outdoor play, creative arts and crafts, nature lore, gardening, swimming, song and dance, dramatic play and social skills development.

Alaya offered the following summer sessions for 2025:

Six weeks, June 2rd - July 11th

Session 1, June 2nd - June 27th

Session 2 - June 30th - July 11th

Summer camps are open to all, not only currently enrolled Alaya students. We offer separate programs for each of our three age groups:

  1. Tigers (children turning 3 by October, or just completed the Tiger year)

  2. Snow Lions (ages 3-4, children having just completed their Snow Lion year)

  3. Garudas/Dragons (children having just completed the Garuda class–turning 5 by October–and children having just completed Kindergarten)

Summer camps follow the same daily/weekly schedules as our regular academic year. Families can choose between full or half days; and 2, 3 or 5 days per week.

  • Full days = 8:30am - 3:30pm

  • Half days = 8:30am - 1:00pm

  • *Please note that Dragon Camp is full day only

  • To apply for Alaya summer camp, please contact the Alaya Business Office at or call 303-449-5248.
