Enrollment Information

fall Application Process

Parents begin the admission process by making an appointment to attend a Prospective Family Tour. This is a time for families (adults only, actually) to meet the directors and tour the school. Upcoming dates can be found on our school calendar. If none of these dates work for you, please contact the office to arrange a visit. 

Enrollment applications for fall may be requested by contacting the Alaya Business Office at  alaya@alayapreschool.org or calling 303-449-5248. We begin enrollment during early spring for the following fall. At other times of the year, we still consider new applications if there is space available.

Spaces will be filled in the order applications are received and while being mindful of the needs of each classroom. Once space becomes available, we will contact you about the next steps.


You are welcome to place your child on our waitlist at any time. There will be a $50 application fee to be added to the waitlist. We will contact you when an available spot opens up. You may join the waitlist by clicking on the waitlist survey button below.



School Year

Alaya adheres to the Boulder Valley School District calendar (as well as their inclement weather cancellation determinations) with just a few exceptions for staff inservice days and to celebrate Shambhala Day (the lunar new year). All holidays can be found on our school calendar.

Daily Schedule

Our full school day runs from 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday through Friday.

Drop-off time for all three classrooms is 8:30-9:00am.

A limited number of half-day spots are available for all classrooms, in which case pick-up time is at 12:30pm for Tigers or 1:00pm for Snow Lions and Garudas.

Tiger (toddler) Parents may choose from three weekly schedule options: T/R, M/W/F, or M–F. Snow Lion and Garuda Parents may also choose from three weekly schedule options: T/R, M/W/F, or M–F. Scheduling priority is given to returning families and families who have 2 or more children enrolled at Alaya simultaneously. Please contact the office with questions regarding availability for particular days of the week.

tuition + fees


2025/26 Tuition Rates are as follows:

The rates below reflect our annual school year tuition spread over 10 payments (August through April).

Snow Lion (3-4 yr olds) or Garuda Years (4-5 yr olds):

  • 2 half days: $600/mo

  • 2 full days: $825/mo

  • 3 half days: $775/mo

  • 3 full days: $1,165/mo

  • 5 half days: $1,300/mo

  • 5 full days: $1,825/mo

Tiger Year (2-3 yr olds):

  • 2 half days: $670/mo

  • 2 full days: $900/mo

  • 3 half days: $895/mo

  • 3 full days: $1,310/mo

  • 5 half days: $1,450/mo

  • 5 full days: $2,040/mo

Second Child Discount: Alaya offers a 10% discount to families who have more than one child in attendance. This discount applies to the child with the lesser tuition cost. 

Naropa Employee/Student Discount: Naropa students, faculty and staff are eligible for a 20% tuition discount.

Alaya Scholarship Program: Alaya offers a scholarship program through our fundraising, if you are interested in more information about this please reach out to the office.

school Fees + Service Hours

  • Application Fee: $50/one time fee

  • Registration Fee: $100/upon enrollment

  • Materials Fee: $300/year

  • Participation by one caregiver in our annual school-wide Environment Day (no children) or payment of the $75 fee in lieu.

  • Contribution of 10 volunteer service hours per family per year or payment of $200 in lieu.


Financial Aid

Alaya maintains a contract with the Boulder County Department of Social Services for CCAP Programs, which you can read more about on our FAQ page. Families who receive assistance should speak to the directors and their case worker to determine eligibility. A limited amount of additional scholarship funds may be available on a first come, first served basis and are dependent on our fundraising efforts each year. Please contact the office to inquire about a scholarship only after you have determined whether or not you are eligible for Federal, State or County/Municipal aid programs.

Health Forms and Immunization Record

Parent Letter from the Department of Public Health and Environment

Certificate of Immunization

Certificate of Exemption



Application for 2025/26 school year

Please note: The state requires that school records be up to date, complete, and accurate for each child. Completed forms must be submitted to the office upon enrollment. Alaya’s license may be revoked if a child’s school folder is not complete or is outdated. Forms remain confidential but must be made available to the State Department of Social Services for periodic and unannounced inspection.